Central Library Meeting Room, The Strand, Derby
10:30am-4pm, Saturday 16th April
10:30am-12:00pm, PLOTTING YOUR NOVEL (WORKSHOP), tickets £6
Novels are the most widely-read and popular form of writing, but how do you go about putting one together? This workshop will give you an insight into how to plan a novel, how to ensure the story is exciting for the reader, as well as looking at how to create a publisher's pitch. An ideal workshop for anyone who has always wanted to write a novel, but didn't know where to start!
12:30pm-2pm, PRACTICAL ADVICE FOR WRITERS (TALK), tickets £3
A session covering all the essentials for aspiring authors, such as dealing with publishers and agents, submitting to anthologies and competitions, self-publishing and how to develop as a writer.
2:30pm-4pm, GETTING AN AGENT (WORKSHOP), tickets £6
This online workshop will give you the ideal start in getting a deal with a literary agent, allowing you to create an enquiry letter, a short synopsis for your novel and also research an agent that would suit your work. This workshop is most suitable for people with a novel completed or in progress. Spaces for this workshop are strictly limited, and will be given on a first come first served basis.
Sessions will be run by Alex Davis, who is an experienced events organiser, speaker and teacher. He has worked as Literature Development Officer for Derby, working with a variety of publishers and advising writers on their careers. He also spent two years as an editor for Black Library and Solaris, working on a number of New York Times bestselling titles and being involved in copy-editing, proofreading, novel pitches and synopses and creating book 'blurbs'. He has recently been teaching two creative writing courses at QUAD in Derby, and has delivered a wide range of workshops and talks on publishing and writing.
To book your place, call Alex on 07896 228367 or email alexdavisevents@hotmail.co.uk
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