Wednesday, 18 June 2014

You are what you wear.. or are you?

The International Centre for Guidance Studies at the University of Derby is undertaking a project regarding current undergraduates’ views on appearance in the workplace. The research is centred upon issues relating to career, inter-personal skills, self-presentation and attractiveness.  We’re interested in finding out how appearance affects career choices, and whether things like dress and behaviour influence an individual’s  success at work.

We are interviewing students from a range of degree subjects.  The interviews take approx. an hour of your time, and the information you provide will be used anonymously in the production of an article.  Hopefully, our research will help careers advisers to better support students in their job search.  

Interested? Please email Researcher, Beth Cutts @
Phone no. 07872140963

You can find out more about the project at

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