Making Creativity Pay 2011 – free course (June-July 2011)
The Enterprise Centre, University of Derby, June and July 2011
Do you want to run a creative business, make a living from selling your work, or work as a creative
freelancer? If you find the business side more challenging than the creative, this course is for you. In
twelve half day sessions, you'll learn about business from a creative perspective and be guided in a
supportive way through all the decisions you'll have to make and all the challenges you'll face on the way to
making it work.
This free course covers every aspect of self-employment from setting up a business, defining a practice,
developing products and finding a niche, through to getting everything legally and financially straight.
Based on the successful Make It Happen programme that ran for four years at Banks Mill Studios in
Derby, David James Ross will help you to learn from the approaches of successful practitioners and
Unlike other general business courses, Making Creativity Pay is:
‑ specific to the creative industries
‑ highly interactive and fun
‑ a chance to meet and work with other talented creative
‑ respectful of your creativity and style
‑ based on what works for successful creatives
Delivered in six whole days during June and July 2011, with a different topic in each half-day, places are
limited to the first sixteen eligible applicants.
To apply for a place, email Christine Royston at The
Enterprise Centre: or phone 01332 597843
Thursday 9th June
9.30-12.30 a.m The Future Starts Here: Exploring self employment
This session explores creativity, practice, motivation and what people want from self‐employment. It will
help you work out your own vision and identify what barriers you will need to overcome on the way to
working for yourself.
1.30-4.30 p.m. To Boldly Go: Setting a mission and finding your niche
The most difficult part of setting up for many creative people is deciding exactly what to do. What are my
most marketable strengths? Can my idea be turned into reality? Will people buy my work? What is my best
chance of success? In this session we work on setting a business mission, finding a niche and developing
products or services.
Thursday 16th June
9.30-12.30 a.m Tell them about it: Marketing and promoting you and your work
Nobody will buy your work unless they know about it. But getting people's attention is difficult in a world
where they are bombarded with information and choices. This workshop explores the many ways of
marketing and how to identify which will be most appropriate for your current situation and resources.
1.30-4.30 p.m How much is that doggie in the window? Pricing your work
As soon as you begin to consider your work from a commercial perspective, you will be faced by one big
question: How much should I charge for it? This session explores different ways at arriving at a price and
includes exercises that will help you be clearer on your pricing.
Thursday 23th June
9.30-12.30 a.m Special Offer Only One Left: The Art of Sales
We’d all like our work to sell itself, but it won’t – it’s up to us instead to sell it. But what is sales? And how
exactly are of creative products and services sold? This session explores sales from a creative
perspective and outlines what you will need to do to sell your work.
1.30-4.30 p.m. Who stole my cheese? Protecting your intellectual property
If you can come up with an idea or product that people want to buy, it's a sure thing that there will be
somebody who is willing to steal it and take some of the financial benefits, if you let them. This session
explores what rights you have over the intellectual property assets you create, how to protect them, and
how to use them to your advantage.
Thursday 30th June
9.30-12.30 a.m. Legal, decent and honest: setting up a creative business the proper way
The legal, financial and administrative aspects of setting up a business rarely appeal strongly to creative
people. This session aims to give you the skills and motivation to avoid the forms, legal notices, tax
collectors and other sundry officials that will arrive on your doorstep if you don't take care of this.
1.30-4.30 p.m. Buddy can you spare me a dime? Funding and financing your creative business
Starting up any kind of business takes money. Maybe you already have plenty of that, but probably you
don't. This session will help you to work out how much you are likely to need and how you might go about
getting it. We also consider money and finance more generally from a business perspective.
Thursday 7th July
9.30-12.30 a.m. It started with a chat: The art of creative networking
More business transactions and relationships are initiated by networking and personal contact than any
other method. To some people it comes naturally and easy, to others it's difficult and alien. This workshop
looks at the outcomes of networking and the personal and organisational skills required to network
effectively and creatively.
1.30-4.30 p.m I'll do that yesterday: Making effective use of your time
The feeling that theres too much to do and not enough time to do it is a common one to both creative
practitioners and the self employed. Yet time is fixed ‐ it just happens ‐ and the only thing we can really
change is what we do with it. This session explores common time‐management issues for creative
practitioners and the newly self‐employed.
Thursday 14th July
9.30-12.30 a.m. Click here to get started: Making the web work for you
Almost all businesses have a presence on the web these days, but this can range from a single page not
much more than a business card, through to a full e‐commerce site that provides the main sales outlet.
This session explores what sort of web presence is best for your business and how you can go about
getting it. We also explore the business use of social media and social networking.
1.30-4.30 p.m. Are we nearly there yet? Launching your creative business
Most of the work in putting a man on the moon happened before lift‐off; so it is with self‐employment ‐
most of the work is preparation before you launch your venture onto the world. This session explores
putting together the elements of a successful start up, including the development of a business plan.
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