The range of sessions we deliver vary according to your needs and the requests of your tutor and we are usually trying to plug any gaps that we find on your course that nobody else is delivering. Typical topics covered are: Choosing a career to fit in with your ethics and work values, Work, life balance, The options beyond your course, How to recognise and sell your skills, Networking, Postgraduate and other further study, Knowing your industry to maximise your chances of success, Job search and the hidden job market, Issues surrounding business start up and related self employment topics - such as Business games, networking games, Sources of support for Business Start up, CVs, Making applications, Interview prep and techniques and much more...
If you have not heard if we are coming in to your course and you feel you would benefit from us doing so, check with your tutors, talk to your course Rep and contact your link Careers Adviser. Find out more about me and take a look at the careers team.

Look out also for our regular drop in advice sessions at Britannia Mill, coming soon. Check our website and noticeboards at Markeaton Street and Britannia Mill for details.